Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today's Inspection, Beetle Update, and My Newest Food Obsession

Ahhhhhhh, it truly feels like fall now.  I love the cooler days, cold nights, and NO HUMIDITY.  The leaves are just beginning to change here.  Although, I think this might be a weak year for fall colors due to the drought.  I see many leaves just turning brown and falling off the trees.  But, I still love the fall :)

So, today I decided since it was so nice out...sunny, little breeze and 68 degrees, I was going to take a shot at building a hive super and inspect the bees.  The hive super is actually my father in law's but he was gracious enough to let someone who has never built anything or used a power tool to give it a try.  There are no directions!  This week I spent time looking at YouTube videos to learn how to put together this thing consisting of a bunch of screws, some nails, couple of pieces of metal, and four boards.  With some instruction on the basics of the screwdriver drill thing from the Hubby and assistance from my oldest son, I completed it in one day.  Actually, half a day!  I also painted it today, too!  I have to say I am feeling kind of proud of myself :) 

After finding the hive beetle, I called my father in law and he said he had never dealt with them and he directed to call a friend of his who has been beekeeping for over 30 years.  Bob told me to not worry about it because the first frost will be coming and any beetles now will just freeze.  Beetles in the spring or summer can be a problem.  Just keep feeding them the Honey Bee Healthy, which incidentally he developed, and all should be well.

As for my hive inspections, Hive number 1 is light in weight.  My Hubby was able to pick it up from the front very easily.  It shouldn't be easy, it should be heavy enough that a strong guy can't do it.  Hubby wasn't able to lift Hive 2 up, so they would seem to be full enough for the winter.  I have to see what I have to do about getting hive 1 built up for the winter.  The goldenrod is still in full bloom so I am hoping they will keep working hard for their winter stores.  On a good note, both hives are queen right, drones seem to have been kicked out of the hives, there is stored pollen, brood at all stages, and capped honey.  Hive 2 has a significant amount more then Hive 1 of capped honey.  I saw no signs of beetles or mites.  So other then Hive 1 being light all looks good.  Hope so anyway :)

I am hoping in the very near future to see the whole honey extraction process.  I am so excited.  My father in law said in the next couple of weeks he will be removing the extra capped frames from his hives and then the following weekend extracting and bottling the honey.  I can't wait to see the whole process.

Now, onto my food obsession.  I know it will sound crazy simple but for some reason I can't get enough.  This has actually become my breakfast and lunch for the last week.  Apples with peanut butter and honey.  I know...silly!  All I do is find the best organic apples I can, mix about a tablespoon of local raw honey and a tablespoon peanut butter and feast away.  It is oddly filling and so good!  I add some cheese cubes and I got a meal!

Hope to write soon about the honey extraction process!  Buzz buzz :)

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